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Today more than anytime in history you are able to see into other people's lives, vacations, purchases and finances. We are inundated with posts on social media and platforms such as reddit or instagram that make us feel like we are behind. That influencer is on vacation in Italy, again, that software engineer in the bay area has a net worth of $500,000 at 25.

The thing is, these people are not the rule, they are the exception to the rule. Under the assumption that these people are being truthful, we need to realize that everyday people, the majority of us, do not live lives like this. After all, the average influencer salary is closer to $50,000 and less than 5% of them have 100,000 followers or more. The average net worth of a 25 year old is closer to $9,000.

This is called selection bias, we are getting promoted content from those that have succeeded or get pushed by algorithms. This creates an illusion that everyone is rich, skinny, happy, and doing better. We are here to dispell that feeling, we believe most people are doing good, even some are well beyond there peers, and by using data and statistics we want to show this to you as well.

People deserve to realize they're good enough and to reduce their negative comparisons. After all comparison really is the thief of joy.